Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey Hey Hey

Hey guys. I just put up the pictures and how-to for the magazine 
envelopes. Each project will have its own page so go check 
it out and give me some feedback.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hey Y'all...

Firstly, I would like to apologize for not getting the newspaper basket uploaded with the how-to. I ran into some difficulties with the camera AND computer, and every time I attempt to do something, my 3 month old needs me. So, I am trying to upload the pictures yet again and, hopefully, it will work. 

Next, I still have not figured out my retarded sewing machine (I am beginning to believe that I am the retarded one and the sewing machine is just one-upping me). This being the case, I have not finished the jersey knit bracelet. However, I will upload the how-to with pictures as soon as I finish it. 

Finally, I would like to tell you the next project I am doing in case you would like to come back and check it out. I am going to be explaining how to make envelopes out of magazine pages. It is an easy, cute, and cheap idea that will give you a reason to finally go through all of those magazines you have lying around. Once you pull out all of the pages you would like to use you can trash them------ a.k.a. RECYCLE them (wink wink). I hope you will come back and check it out.

Now, for those of you who were waiting for the newspaper basket to be uploaded I apologize again. Glad you came back to check out my blog and I hope you continue to read it. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The First How-To

     So, it is looking as if I am going to be putting up the newspaper basket how-to first. I put a poll on the main page and there is a vote so I guess that is what we will do. Thank you to my little voter. :) 
     I will be making it here in the next hour or so and posting it when I finish. If you don't have time to wait tonight, check it out tomorrow. I am sure you will like it. 

     Also, I started a jersey knit bracelet last night, but cannot get my sewing machine to work (not that it is necessary to use it). I am sure there is a way to tie off the end, but I am choosing to sew mine. Therefore, as soon as I fix this problem, I will have that up for you. 
     Hope you enjoy the newspaper basket and I hope you will come back and check me out again even if you don't.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Check it out!

I spend a lot of my time online as I think I have already stated. I thought I would share this great website with everyone who wants to check it out. You might have heard of it. It is fairly new, but you wouldn't know it by how fast it has grown. 

If you like it and want to join you will need to be invited, but it takes weeks for the actual website to invite you. If you want to join, I would be happy to send you an invite. Just let me know. 

It is an amazing site and, if you like my blog and/ or crafts, I am sure you will love it too.

Beware though!! I HAVE BECOME ADDICTED. Have fun.


I see a lot of views of my blog so far and it's great. Be patient though. I still need to get things up and running. Come back and check it out again. It will be great...I hope! :)

Hello world...this is ME!!

"If we couldn't dream, our lives wouldn't mean anything anymore." 
                                                                                                             --Georg Kaiser
Today, I decided to start a blog. I was sitting here thinking to myself and realized that I think about so much and want to do so much so why not write it down and share my thoughts with people. I will start off by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Ginny and I am 20. I have the most wonderful husband in the world, Nathan, and the sweetest daughter in the world, Sophie. Our puppy's name is Cooper and, although he does not look like much of a puppy anymore, he will always be my baby. I was raised in the south and I have a great love for food, family, music, animals, the outdoors, history, photography, and what the majority of this blog is supposed to be about...crafts. If it strays from crafts every once in a while then oh well. This is going to be my way of getting everything out of my head and this blog will actually give me a reason to do all the things I keep telling myself I want to do. So, enough of all that. Here I go. Try not to judge....this is my first blog and I am in no way, shape, or form a writer. My goal here is to have fun, so have fun I will.