My Other Love: Books

As you may have read on the main page, I have had to begin exercising for my knees and I am starting a garden for my 3 month old. 

Those are my newest addictions/ additions to my life. The addiction that had always been a part of my life though is reading. I love it. Always have. Always will. I try to always have a book, magazine, newspaper, etc. in my hand.  So, I figured I would begin putting what I am reading and have read with comments on this page.

If you like to read, this will be the page for you to check out. I would love for you to leave comments. If you have read the book, if you have suggestions for other books, if you want suggestions for other books, leave a comment. I would love to hear from you. 

Hope you enjoy this as much as you enjoy the rest of my blog and if you have not checked out the rest of my blog, I hope this will encourage you to do so. :)

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